Brief description
In the SOLINK project, an energy source for heat pumps shall be developed, based on PVT collectors, and for use both in new and existing buildings. This energy source shall be applicable with essentially less constraints than geothermal probes and shall spend considerably less energy from the public electricity network than air-source heat pumps do. On appropriate dimensioning, the spent electrical energy of the heating system is produced on a regenerative basis in the annual balance. By intelligent load management and well-dimensioned heat and battery storages, even direct consumption ratios of 30-50 % may be achieved.
The main project objective is an economically competitive, complete ready-for-connection unit for brine heat pumps without noise emissions in contrast to air-source heat pumps, and without earthworks in contrast to ground-source heat pump systems.
The PVT collector, developed in project phase 1 by Consolar in cooperation with the Dutch partner Triple Solar, shows a high heat transfer capability to the ambient air, compared to conventional PVT collectors. This is achieved by a special design of the collector’s bottom surface as an ample air-source heat exchanger. This SOLINK PVT collector is further optimized in project phase 2 and introduced in the market (2018).
In the project, two field test systems shall be analyzed in detail. Resulting issues will influence the product development. The new PVT unit will be optimized based on the field test experience as well as special laboratory tests and aerodynamic investigations.
Another key aspect is to develop and optimize components for system integration as well as to include additional benefits such as the cooling of buildings or the use of waste heat. At IGTE, simulation and dimensioning tools, allowing to compare and evaluate different system configurations, are initially worked out and further developed in TRNSYS. In a second step, those system configurations shall be implemented in a marketable simulation tool and provided as planning and design tool.
Project duration
07/2017 - 06/2020
Project partners
- Consolar Solare Energiesysteme GmbH
- Ruoff Energietechnik GmbH
- Triple Solar, NL
Ulrich Leibfried, Andreas Wagner, Amar Abdul-Zahra; SOLINK – PVT-Energieversorgungssystem für Wärmepumpen, 27. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, OTTI, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2017
Ulrich Leibfried, Stephan Fischer, Sebastian Asenbeck; SOLINK – PVT-Energieversorgungssystem für Wärmepumpen, Symposium Thermische Solarenergie 2018, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 2018
The project “SOLINK – Highly efficient heat supply, based on intelligent combination of PVT and heat pump technology, for existing and new buildings; part 2: development, system integration, test and optimization of the PVT - heat pump - supply unit” is funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU (German Federal Environmental Foundation).

Dr.-Ing. Stephan Fischer
Team Lead

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Asenbeck
Academic employee