Pfaffenwaldring 10
70569 Stuttgart
Room: V10.1.07
Office Hours
By arrangement
Current research projects
Completed research projects
- TeBwA
Focus areas
- Thermal Energy System Simulations
- Sorption Systems
- Electricity-heat-electricity storage
- Data acquisition, data analysis, algorithm development
Seiz, M.; Lang, X., Drück, H., Bestenlehner, D. „Kostengünstige energetische Bilanzierung wärmetechnischer Anlagen durch eine temperaturbasierte Volumenstrombestimmung“. In: Tagungsband zum Symposium Solarthermie und innovative Wärmesysteme 2022. Bad Staffelstein: Conexio GmbH, 2022, 03.-05.05.2022, S. 211-230. ISBN 978-3-948176-17-4
Seiz, M.; Lang, X.; Drück, H.; Bestenlehner, D. „Cost-effective energy balancing of thermal systems based on temperature measurements only”. In: Tagungsband zu ISES International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry 2022. Kassel: International Solar Energy Society, 25. 29.09.2022, (to be published)
- 09/2011 – 08/2015: Bachelor's Degree Environmental Engineering, Tianjin University (China)
- 10/2017 – 04/2021: Master's Degree Environmental Engineering, University of Stuttgart
- 04/2021 – 12/2022: Academic Employee at Solar- und Wärmetechnik Stuttgart (SWT)
- since 05/2023: Academic Employee at IGTE