Completed projects of the Chair of Heating and Ventilation
1zu10 - Entwicklung, Erprobung und Demonstration eines zukunftsfähigen, nachhaltigen, standardisierten solar-geothermischen Wärmeversorgungskonzepts
Die wesentlichen Ziele des Gesamtvorhabens waren die Entwicklung, Erprobung, Demonstration und Analyse eines zukunftsfähigen, nachhaltigen, standardisierten Wärmeversorgungskonzepts mit Multiplikatoreffekt am Beispiel von Mehrfamilienhäusern. -
AMADEUS - Next GenerAtion MateriAls and Solid State DevicEs for Ultra High Temperature Energy Storage and Conversion
The project AMAEDUS will investigate the next generation of materials and devices for latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) at ultra-high temperatures of up to 2000 °C, which are well beyond today's maximum operation temperatures of ~1000 °C. -
AltParFilt - Investigation of the filter effectiveness and the indoor particle concentrations with alternating residential ventilation systems
The objective of the project is to gain insight via experimental investigations how settled particles in a filter of alternating residential ventilation systems behave upon airflow reversal. -
BioSchaKi – Development of technical methods to avoid biogenic pollution in church organs
The objective is to develop technical methods to reduce the mold fungus risk and biogenic pollution of art and cultural assets, exemplified by church organs. This issue has been increasing in Europe for years and has been associated with health hazards and high losses in values. -
The Build4People Project aims to research and promote sustainable building and urban development practices in Cambodia as well as pathways towards their realization. -
CAMaRSEC – Climate-adapted Material Research for the Socio-economic Context in Vietnam
The German-Vietnamese project CAMaRSEC is supporting the implementation and further development of energy-efficient, resource-efficient and sustainable construction practices. Based on interdisciplinary problem analysis and fundamental research, effective infrastructures for research, characteristic value determination, training, education and the transfer of scientific results into Vietnamese construction and planning practices are being developed. -
CHESTER - Compressed Heat Energy STorage for Energy from Renewable sources
The main objective of the project was to develop and validate an innovative system for energy management, energy storage and for flexible supply with various renewable energies into electricity networks and/or heating networks via connecting electrical and thermal sector. -
CROW - Expansion and optimization of the “Hirtenwiesen II” solar district heating system in Crailsheim/Germany as well as accompanying research on solar district heat and seasonal thermal energy storage
The objective of the CROW project is the strategic and sustainable expansion and optimization of the solar district heating system “Hirtenwiesen II” in Crailsheim: considering the increased number of heat consumers connected to the district heating system, the originally planned solar fraction of at least 50 % shall be achieved again. -
CWS - Chemische Wärmespeicherung mittels reversibler Gas-Feststoffreaktionen
Das Ziel des vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi) geförderten Forschungsvorhabens "Chemische Wärmespeicherung mittels reversibler Feststoff-Gas-Reaktionen" (CWS) war es, die Potentiale der thermochemischen Energiespeicherung aufzuzeigen und durch eine zielgerichtete Verfahrensentwicklung für technische Anwendungen nutzbar zu machen. -
DESI-NADINE - Design project for the research infrastructure NADINE (national demonstrator for isentropic energy storage)
DLR, the University of Stuttgart and KIT jointly developed the concept for the research infrastructure NADINE (national demonstrator for isentropic energy storage): along with isentropic energy storage, a broad range of scientific challenges in the research of energy storage can be addressed. -
Degree - Investigation of a dynamic control of the cooling circuit temperatures of computing centers to increase efficiency and to create a manual for the realization of corresponding concepts
In the cooperation project “Degree“, using the example of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), a dynamic control of the cooling circuit temperatures shall be investigated to increase the efficiency of the cooling system. -
EDAPA - Development of a diffusion-absorption refrigerator with a plate heat exchanger as generator
A diffusion-absorption refrigerator is operated exclusively by the addition of heat and does not need any mechanical energy. The refrigerating machine therefore operates free from wear and at a low noise level. In the EDAPA research project, the diffusion-absorption process shall be made applicable for the air conditioning of buildings by scaling the process towards higher cooling capacities. -
EDropSep – Development of an energy-efficient, dielectrophoretic droplet separator
In the EDropSep research project, a novel separation concept is developed which allows for a higher energy efficiency in the separation of droplets with diameters in the lower µm area. -
EFFIS - Energieeffizienzsteigerung in Schaltschränken
Das Projekt "Energieeffizienzsteigerung in Schaltschränken" (EFFIS) wurde am Institut für Thermodynamik und Wärmetechnik im Auftrag der Friedrich Lütze GmbH durchgeführt. Ziel war es, die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten der Friedrich Lütze GmbH im Rahmen der Innovationsallianz "Green Carbody Technologies" zu unterstützen. -
EINSTEIN - Effective INtegration of Seasonal Thermal Energy storage systems IN existing buildings
Das am 01. Januar 2012 im siebten Forschungs-Rahmenprogramm der EU gestartete Forschungsprojekt EINSTEIN befasste sich mit der energetischen Sanierung des Gebäudebestands. In diesem Projekt wurden unter anderem Lösungen erarbeitet, solare Nahwärme in Kombination mit saisonaler Wärmespeicherung auch in zu sanierende innerstädtische Bereiche mit beschränktem Platzangebot zu integrieren. -
ENsource - Establishment of a center for applied research “urban energy systems and resource efficiency”
In the ENsource research project, amongst others, new simulation, communication and optimization tools as well as energy management strategies were developed and then investigated and applied in five case studies from industry, commerce and municipalities. IGTE was involved in the “Mannheim” and “Mainau” case studies and was particularly responsible for the development of sustainable heat supply concepts. -
EcoTest - Bewertung der Prüfergebnisse von Heizungsanlagen für das EU-Labeling (und Erfüllung der Ecodesign-Anforderungen) zwischen den Prüfinstituten im Rahmen von Ringversuchen
Im Rahmen des Projekts wurde die Bewertung der Prüfergebnisse von Heizungsanlagen für das EU-Labeling (und Erfüllung der Ecodesign-Anforderungen) zwischen den Prüfinstituten durch Ringversuche überprüft. -
Effizienzsteigerung einer solar angetriebenen Absorptionskälteanlage mit Eisspeicher
Bisher gibt es nur wenige Firmen die sich weltweit mit dem Leistungsbereich bis 15 kW Kälteerzeugung mit Hilfe von Ammoniak-Wasser-Absorptionsanlagen beschäftigen. Der Forschungsgruppe des ITW ist es in der Vergangenheit gelungen, den Prozess im kleinen Maßstab beherrschbar zu machen und eine große Kompetenz im Umgang mit Ammoniak-Wasser zu erarbeiten. -
EnEV easy - Investigation and development of fundamentals for updating the “EnEV easy“ procedure for residential buildings
In the “EnEv easy” project, fundamentals for updating the “EnEV easy” procedure are developed. The objective is to keep the procedure open especially for innovations and to ensure that new technologies will not be adversely affected in the future. Furthermore, the procedure for potential future amendments shall be prepared. -
EnErChem - Entwicklung und Erprobung eines chemisch-sorptiven Langzeitwärmespeichers für die Gebäudebeheizung
Ziel des Forschungsprojekts EnErChem war die Entwicklung eines thermochemischer Energiespeicher für die Gebäudebeheizung in Ein- und Mehrfamilienhäusern. -
Entwicklung einer solar angetriebenen Absorptionskälteanlage mit einem Eisspeicher
Das Ziel des Projektes war die Entwicklung einer solar angetriebenen, ausschließlich mit Umgebungsluft gekühlten, Absorptionskälteanlage. -
FutureSuN - Analysis, evaluation and development of sustainable system concepts for solar district heating systems with seasonal thermal energy storage
In the futureSuN project, existing solar district heating systems in Germany are analyzed, evaluated and, based on that, sustainable solar district heating concepts with seasonal thermal energy storage are developed. -
GeopNu – Optimization of building operation by user identification in rooms
The occupancy of rooms in office and residential buildings has been changing constantly. For that reason, the real occupancy profiles significantly deviate from the assumptions of the planning phase. The increased number of mobile devices enables to identify if a user is present and thus the real occupancy of rooms in order to better analyze the actual building occupancy. -
HetKond – Energy-efficient aerosol separation via heterogeneous condensation
In this project, the unexplored heterogeneous condensation on the particles from biomass combustion shall be investigated. This includes the activability of the particles and their growth. Non-contact optical measurement technology as well as specific sampling shall enable to gain deep insight into the complex processes. In order to achieve a high oversaturation, the use of spray towers shall be optimized to ensure a successful heterogeneous condensation so that the aerosols can be efficiently separated. -
KoSSWaL – Continuous solar-sorptive water harvesting from the air in arid regions
In this research project, funded by Vector Stiftung, a laboratory demonstration unit shall be built and operated, testing a new concept that allows to harvest water from the air in arid climate. -
KoST – Cost reduction in solar thermal energy by standardized components and interfaces
The project objective is to reduce the solar heat generation costs by approx. 40 % to increase the competitiveness of solar thermal energy versus other heat generation technologies. -
KoWaSS - Entwicklung eines kombinierten Warmwasser-Sorptionswärmespeichers für thermische Solaranlagen
Um auch während längerer Schlechtwetterperioden eine Wärmeversorgung auf solarer Basis sicherzustellen wurde am ITW ein kombinierter Warmwasser-Sorptionswärmespeicher entwickelt. -
Konzeptstudie einer direkt solarthermisch angetriebenen Kleinkälteanlage
In diesem Forschungsprojekt wurde der Diffusions-Absorptionsprozess für die solare Kühlung untersucht. -
MAKSORE – Maksore - Materials and components for sorption thermal energy stores with high energy density
The major objective of the overall project is to broaden the fundamental understanding of sorption stores and to create the conditions for essentially improved sorption stores via a basic research approach. Material research of sorbents and composites as well as approaches for an improvement of heat and mass transfer are to be considered in close relation with the boundary conditions of the respective application. -
MEDIOR – Development of a multi-dimensional flow sensor system
The objective of the research project is to develop a compact two-dimensional flow sensor system that can be applied by manufacturers and operators of ventilation systems. -
Mobile Zeolite Heat Storage - Development of mobile and regenerative heat storage, based on innovative polymer/zeolite honeycombs, for the utilization of waste heat in industrial facilities
Mobile storage is a particularly interesting field of application in industry. Therefore, a modular, mobile, themochemical, zeolite-based energy storage system for the compensation and utilization of waste heat in industrial facilites shall be developed in this research project by BKW Kunststoffe GmbH, in cooperation with EIKO Anlagenbau und -prüfungsgesellschaft mbH, the Institute of Polymer Technology (IKT, University of Stuttgart) and the Institute for Building Energetics, Thermotechnology and Energy Storage (IGTE, University of Stuttgart). -
MultiKomp-I - Development of multifunctional solar building components
In the research project „MultiKomp-I“, so-called multifunctional solar building components were developed, i.e. facade elements with integrated solar thermal components, which fulfill the requirements and functions of both the building envelope and a solar thermal system. -
OBSERW - Joint research project: overground thermal energy stores with segmental construction for heat supply systems
In heat supply systems with combined heat and power generation, thermal solar systems and industrial processes, surpluses of heat are available to a considerable extent. Via heat storage, this heat can be delivered to consumers at a later point in time. This time shift in heat use enables to significantly increase the efficiency of fuel conversion as well as the percentage of renewable energy sources in a heat supply system. -
OLiS – Investigations of optimized mechanical air distribution concepts in schools to improve indoor air quality, comfort and energy efficiency
The objective of this research project is to create a planning manual to assist planners regarding an optimized air distribution in classrooms. -
OptAwEW - Optimization of absorption heat pumps to be used in fourth generation district heating systems
District heating systems are an important part of today’s heat supply and, even more, of the future heat supply. In order to be able to integrate more heat sources in a cost-effective way, the supply temperature shall be reduced to 95 °C or less. The integration of those heat sources is further supported by an additional reduction of the return temperature in the district heating system via an absorption heat pump. Such an absorption heat pump, to be used in fourth generation district heating systems, is investigated at IGTE. -
PARTA - Potentials of absorption heat pumps for return flow temperature reduction in district heating systems
The operational conditions of district heating systems are subject to a constant change, e.g. due to decreasing specific heat consumption along with energy-efficiency retrofits or refurbishments of existing buildings (Energieeinsparverordnung EnEV; German energy savings regulations for buildings). -
SASC - Saudi Arabian Solar Cooling
Das SASC-Projekt (Saudi-Arabian Solar Cooling) war eine Zusammenarbeit des ITW und der KFUPM (King-Fahd-University of Petroleum and Minerals) in Dammam, Saudi Arabien. -
SOLINK - Highly efficient heat supply, based on intelligent combination of PVT and heat pump technology, for existing and new buildings
In the SOLINK project, an energy source for heat pumps shall be developed, based on PVT collectors, and for use both in new and existing buildings. The main project objective is an economically competitive, complete ready-for-connection unit for brine heat pumps without noise emissions in contrast to air-source heat pumps, and without earthworks in contrast to ground-source heat pump systems. -
SimuNa – Simulationsrechnungen bei der energiesparrechtlichen Nachweisführung
In diesem Projekt soll eine Richtlinie geschaffen werden, welche die generelle Vorgehensweise und die Mindestvoraussetzungen beim Einsatz von Simulationsrechnungen für die energiesparrechtliche Bewertung von baulichen oder anlagentechnischen Komponenten beschreibt. -
SmartHeat - An intelligent modular domestic heating and hot water platform that enables effective integration and use of renewable energy systems
Im Rahmen des Projektes wurde ein modulares System zur Trinkwassererwärmung und Raumheizung entwickelt. -
SolSpaces 2.0 – Further development and optimization of a solar heating system with sorption thermal energy store
In the previous SolSpaces project, a new solar heating system with sorption thermal energy store was developed and tested in a research building. The purpose of the new heating concept is to cover the building’s thermal heat demand almost completely on a solar base via seasonal heat storage with the sorption thermal energy store. -
SolSpaces – Development and testing of a complete solar heat supply for energy-efficient compact buildings
Within the SolSpaces project, a modern and sustainable heating concept for energy-efficient buildings was developed. The central element is a sorption thermal energy store which uses solar thermal energy in summer in order to heat the building in winter. -
SolTrans - Solarthermische Wärmetransformatoren – Leistungsprüfung und ganzheitliche Bewertung
In dem Vorhaben wurde ein Verfahren zur Bewertung der thermischen Leistungsfähigkeit und Umweltverträglichkeit von (solar-)thermisch angetriebenen Kältemaschinen entwickelt. -
SolarCheck - Development of a standardized procedure and a clear indicator to determine the functional capability of solar thermal systems for domestic hot water preparation and thermal solar combisystems
The project objective is to develop a standardized procedure which can visualize the performance and function capability of a solar-assisted heat supply system in a clear performance indicator. -
SpeedColl - Entwicklung beschleunigter Alterungsprüfverfahren für solarthermische Kollektoren und deren Komponenten
Sonnenkollektoren sind in Bezug auf Dauerhaftigkeit die am stärksten belasteten Komponenten einer thermischen Solaranlage, da sie sehr hohen Temperaturen standhalten müssen und je nach Standort wechselnden, teils extremen Witterungsbedingungen ausgesetzt sind. -
SpeedColl2 - Research of service life and sustainability of solar thermal collectors, components and materials
The SpeedColl2 project refers to the results of the previous SpeedColl project which included the exposure of solar thermal collectors and their components in different regions for a period of four years and their analysis in a laboratory. -
StoEx - Development of large water volume, low-cost hot water stores with highly efficient thermal insulation for outdoor application
The main objective of the project was to develop a series of hot water stores with a volume of approx. 5...100 m³ for outdoor application. -
StoEx2 - Further development, testing and demonstration of large-water-volume, low-cost hot-water stores with highly efficient thermal insulation for outdoor application
The major research objectives are the testing and demonstration of two optimized StoEx2 stores under real operational conditions. -
Strömungsformenkarte für innenberippte Rohre
Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens FKT 130/06 wurde ein Programm zur Berechnung und Darstellung von Strömungsformkarten erstellt. -
SunAir Balcony - Solar ventilation with heat exchange and solar energy for residential buildings
The "SunAir Balcony" research project deals with the development of solar air collectors that are used as a balcony balustrade. -
Test aerosol – Test aerosols and test methods for the investigation of efficiency of air purification technologies against SARS-CoV-2
Currently it is not yet completely known to what extent air cleaners are capable to separate virus particles and aerosols from the air and thus to reduce the COVID-19 infection risk in rooms. The objective of the research project is to determine the influencing parameters related to the effectiveness of the devices in order to develop an appropriate test method. -
TriKonUm - Study on potable water extraction via heterogeneous condensation from the ambient air in dry regions
A preliminary study shall be conducted to evaluate the potential of an innovative method for potable water extraction from the ambient air via heterogeneous condensation (water condensation on particle surfaces) in regions with water shortage. -
UniSto - Entwicklung eines universellen modularen Wärmespeichers und dessen Erprobung in Mehrfamilienhäusern
Die Verwendung von Großspeichern mit Volumina deutlich über 1.000 Liter scheitert im Gebäudebestand in der Regel an der Einbringung in die Gebäude. Im Rahmen des Projekts „UniSto“ wurde zusammen mit der Firma Consolar Solare Energiesysteme GmbH ein modulares Speicherkonzept weiterentwickelt. -
VirtColl+ - Development and optimization tool for flat plate collectors, based on CFD simulations and virtual performance tests
The objective of the project is a development and optimization tool for flat plate collectors, based on CFD simulations and virtual performance tests. -
WPSol - Performance test methods and the ecological assessment of combined solar thermal and heat pump systems
The main aims of the project WPSol were the development of techniques for the assessment of the efficiency of combined solar heat pump systems for domestic hot water preparation and space heating, and the development and validation of a simulation program for such systems, respectively. -
WinterSun - Weiterentwicklung innovativer Technologien zur solaren Nahwärme und saisonalen Wärmespeicherung
Ziel des Forschungsprojektes WinterSun war die Weiterentwicklung innovativer Technologien für solare Nahwärmeversorgungen und solarthermische Großanlagen in Kombination mit saisonaler Wärmespeicherung. -
Wärmeübergang und Druckverlust beim Strömungssieden von Kältemittelgemischen in einem horizontalen innenstrukturierten Rohr
Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens AiF-Vorhaben 15084 N/1 wurden Messungen des Wärmeübergangskoeffizienten und des Druckverlusts mit R407C und R410A in den beiden innenstrukturierten Rohren Cuprofin-E der Wieland-Werke AG und Tectube_fin HVA der KME France SAS durchgeführt. -
The objective of this collaborative project ReBuMat is to promote research and the development of building materials and construction methods for energy-efficient, resource-saving and generally sustainable construction in Vietnam.

Dr.-Ing. Harald Drück
Research Coordinator and Team Lead