The objective is to develop technical methods to reduce the mold fungus risk and biogenic pollution of art and cultural assets, exemplified by church organs. This issue has been increasing in Europe for years and has been associated with health hazards and high losses in values.
The focus is on the pretreatment of the incoming air to reduce the pollutant input as well as on the air flow optimization in the instrument. Based on the systematization of causes, selected methods are evaluated by theoretical considerations, by laboratory and small-scale investigations as well as by computational simulations of flow conditions on a pneumatic model to be designed.
Finally, reference objects are tested in practice and an object-specific measurement catalog is developed. Fundamental knowledge is generated: how air treatment measures take effect, about numerical simulation capabilities in fluid mechanics as well as mold-preventive measures. This enables the development of new processes and services to improve indoor air quality in various sectors: art and cultural assets, ventilation and air conditioning in the building industry, and food production.
Findings can generally be transferred to other mold-sensitive objects from art and cultural heritage (churches, museums, archives), public areas and buildings.
SMEs from the sectors of organ building, organ components, ventilation and air conditioning, mold remediation and restoration increase their competitiveness by specific prevention measures and they cut costs. SMEs are provided with solution approaches for the short-term development of suitable products or equipment (appropriate filter modules, ionizers, electrostatic precipitators, surface treating agents, small-scale ventilation systems).
In this project, IGTE cooperates with the Institute for Wood Technology Dresden (IHD) and the Institute for Diagnostics and Conservation of Monuments in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt (IDK).
Project duration
01/2016 - 12/2018

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Henzler
Coordinator of Teaching; Team Lead