Evaluation of cloud-based building control with determination of potential and model-based derivation of smart readiness indicator (SRI) criteria.
Brief description
In this subproject, the cloud-based building control with meta data analysis and multi-view BIM models – developed in the overall project – shall be scientifically and technically evaluated.
Requirements shall be defined for the installed components (e.g. sensors and actuators) of different disciplines so that a permanent operational safety can be ensured for new and existing buildings. Various criteria are significant, such as the range and the building penetration of signals, the battery lives of wireless sensors, the connectivities of individual components, data security and data protection.
According to the amended European Directive (2018/844) on the energy performance of buildings, a smart readiness indicator (SRI) for new and existing buildings shall be established. The smart readiness indicator shall describe, amongst others, how to adapt the operation of buildings to the needs of the occupants and the grid. Based on the building services from a building information model (BIM) as well as the indicated building functions and the facility identification key, a methodology shall be developed in this subproject how the SRI can be derived as automatically as possible from the building information model.
With a wireless (radio-based) building automation, resources (hardware, components, cabling) and energy (during building operation) can be saved. A life cycle assessment of a typical office building shall exemplarily show the saving potential of gray energy (required energy for manufacturing, transport, storage, sale, and disposal) due to a wireless building automation. Then, the potential is projected to the building stock. Furthermore, it is investigated how technologies and processes, to be developed, can support the long-term renovation strategy of the German Federal Government.
At the end of the subproject, a test plan shall be developed: The functional capability of the processes and data interfaces (between component, cloud database, BIM model, data processing, and data analysis), developed in the overall project, can be verified. For this purpose, a building mockup is created in which different IoT devices can be integrated and the function of the cloud-based building control can be proven. The mockup and the assigned IoT devices are simulated in a digital BIM twin. Furthermore, the data of the IoT devices are fed in a cloud-based platform and the AI meta data analysis is tested. From the findings of the demonstrator, the optimization potentials and the further research needs are identified.
Project duration
08/2021 – 07/2023
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) via Project Management Jülich (PtJ)
Grant number 03EN1043B
Project partners
- Ed. Züblin AG, Stuttgart, Germany
- SmartMakers GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany
- aedifion GmbH, Cologne, Germany

Maurizio Calandri, M.Sc.
Academic employee

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Henzler
Coordinator of Teaching; Team Lead